Wednesday, March 19, 2008

From High School to College

If there is one thing that I’ve learned so far, it is that life is all about transitions. One of the most difficult transitions in my life was the transition from high school to college and all the changes that came with it. One of the most obvious differences was the change in the amount of work. I had a hard time understanding that just because I physically spent less time in a classroom did not, by any means, mean that there was going to be less homework. Another change that was much harder for me to accept was the fact that all my friends would be going to different schools. After spending four years with the same group of friends, it was hard to grasp the idea that we would all be going our separate ways. Lastly, I had to adjust to an entirely new mindset when I started college. I realized that I needed to be better organized, I needed self-motivation, and I needed to develop better time management skills if I wanted to be successful. Entering college has provided me with the ability to balance all aspects of my life, and taught me how to prioritize. College has been a new and exciting experience, and although it was a hard transition to make, it was one that I was ready for.

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